常见问题 FAQ's

常见问题 Frequently asked questions



  澳大利亚的私立高中教育注重学生的全面发展,知识的传授以实际需求为主。其授课的方式比较灵活,类似与大学的教授方式,学生自由选课。所有的课程都积极开发学生的自学能力和实际应用能力。一些规模较大的私立高中开设非常丰富的课程以满足学生的不同兴趣和特长,更有一些同时开设IB, A Level等国际化的高中课程为优秀的学生提供更多选择和机会。此外,澳大利亚私立高中一般由教会、企业和私人机构管理,大多都沿袭了传统的英国教育模式和体系,校风严谨,对学生各方面要求严格。私立高中设施先进,各类教室、实验室、体育场、艺术中心、图书馆等等的配套资源都十分完善。澳洲当地学生就读公立高中是免费的,而去私立学校确要支付金额较高的学费; 对于海外学生来说,就读公立学校的学费是一年1万至1万2千澳元的学费,与私立学校的学费相比费用相差并不大,但享受的服务、教学指导、教学设施和校园环境明显高于公立学校。



  为了避免任何签证的延误,学生应该争取在递交签证时提供完整的材料。 其中最重要的是澳洲学校提供的录取通知书、经济情况证明及经济来源证明、雅思成绩单(18岁以上的学生)。要注意通知书内容要准确,通知书中标明的入学日期合理。办理电子签证的话,虽然签证周期可以缩短很多,还是应该尽可能在课程开始前提前12周递交申请,保证签证时间。



  如果选择来澳洲留学,需要根据学生及家庭的自身情况,考虑留学的年龄。 如果学生年龄较小(高中在读)而且家里的经济条件比较充裕,可以考虑尽早出国。这样学生可以不需要出国前通过雅思考试,出国后由于年龄小,英语提高得迅速,对西方教育适应得快。不过如果家庭经济条件有限制,可以考虑高中毕业后,通过了雅思考试,来澳洲读大学比较实际,这样学生需要3年的时间可以在澳洲取得学士学位,节省了时间和及费用。






  阿德莱德大学的MBA课程是澳洲最早的MBA课程,在澳洲及亚太地区颇有声誉。对于海外学生的入学标准为:大学本科学士学位,雅思7.0(各项都不低于6.5),三年或以上相关管理工作经验,GMAT成绩,简历,另外还学要准备2份推荐信。对于没有学士学位的专科毕业生,如果申请人具有丰富的工作经验(5年以上),也可以通过先就读该商学院的工商管理研究生文凭Graduate Diploma of Business Administration,然后升入MBA课程的方式,最终取得的学位是同样的MBA学位。

  自2011年11月5日起,澳洲移民局和澳洲多所大学除雅思(IELTS)成绩外,开始接受托福网考(TOEFL iBT),PTE (Person Test if English),和剑桥英语(Cambridge English Certificate in Advanced English)。入读澳方大学课程通常要求雅思成绩6.0,个别专业要求6.5或7.0。对于语言分数稍低于录取要求的同学,可以通过读对应的学术语言课程来获得直接入读大学课程的资格。例如某同学要入读雅思要求6.0的大学课程,如果他的雅思分数是5.0,那么通常可以通过读20 周的学术语言课程来获得直接入读大学课程的资格。对于语言分数与学校录取要求相差比较多的同学,还可以通过普通英语课程+学术英语课程来满足大学入学要求,但最少也要达到雅思4.5(写作和口语不低于4.5)。移民局规定对于来澳读大学课程的同学,语言课程的长度不得超过30周。由于不同学校和不同专业对语言的要求有所不同,如需具体信息,请联系我们。



  在澳洲读书主要的费用是学费,生活费。如果读的是高中,每年学费通常是10000-30000澳元,大学则在13000 -30000澳元之间。生活费用主要是住宿费用。在阿德莱德市生活的每周费用估算如下,可以作为参考。但下列费用不包括学生回国的旅行费用等。 

$115-$350 (按合租住房计算)















  初次来澳洲留学的同学注意,在飞机抵达澳洲之前,飞机上会发澳洲的入境卡Incoming Passengers Card,应该在飞机上填好,入境卡的主要内容是姓名,护照号码,抵达澳洲航班号,在澳洲的居住地址(需要在出发前与澳方学校或代表确认好),对自己携带行李中有关澳洲规定的需要申报的物品(食品,茶、某些药品、带泥土的鞋等)的申报,如果携带了超过1万澳元(或等值的其他货币)现金也必须申报。 请参见入境卡填写说明。 



  澳洲的基本生活用品价格比较合理,如洗发水、牙膏、洗衣粉、纸巾等日用品价格与国内像差不多。本中心建议学生们第一次来澳洲时带好自己的随身用品如牙膏、牙刷、毛巾等,避免初到澳洲不熟悉环境时还得先买。另外建议学生带个插头转换插座(如公牛牌插座就可以),中国的电器可以在这里使用,但澳洲的插座形状不同,需要转换插座。 学生也可以考虑带个电褥子,澳洲的冬天可以使用。









  非现金资产不可作为资金担保。股票投资是不可以的,可以作为辅助性的资料提供。债券通常也不可以做为资金担保,不过有个别是在银行购买,可以开银行存款证明并且有存单的,可以作为资金担保。 通常资金担保需要是个人的定期存款。




















Please note that the following information is intended as a guide only. AIES will assist students in each of the areas listed below. For further details or assistance please contact us.

  • Course selection and admission
  • Student visas / Financial requirements
  • Living and studying in Australia
  • Migration

Course selection and admission 

■  Are there any fees for the AIES student services? 
Our services to international students for counseling, course admission and student visa preparation are free. In fact, by using an agent such as us you will generally not need to pay the institution course application fee either. To find out more about how we can help you, please visit our study in Australia section.

■  How do I apply for a course? 
The first step towards studying in Australia is to contact AIES. We will review your career goals and interests, academic background and English level to assist you in selecting suitable study options.

■  Can AIES help me even if I am still in my home country? 
Yes, absolutely. We help many students from all over the world. Our office is located in Adelaide, South Australia and by using an Australian based agent you can rest assured that you are dealing with a reputable and professional company. For students arriving from overseas we help you with arrival support, accommodation (if required) and make sure that you settle into to your new home. Our office is located in the heart of the city near many of the institutions where students study, so if you ever have any problems we are always just a phone call or short walk away.

■  When should I apply to study in Australia / When do courses start? 
You should apply to study in Australia as soon as possible, ideally 5 months prior to commencing your course (see visa details also). However, for some courses it is possible for the application and visa process to take less time than this. In general, University courses start in February each year, a number of Universities also offer a mid-year intake in July. VET courses generally have two intakes a year, February and July and a number will also offer April and September intakes.

■  What are some important considerations for choosing a course? 
For students who are unsure of their study path following completion of their high school education, there are a number of factors which they need to consider when selecting a suitable course. These include:

  • a) Desired study subject area
  • b) Institution type – i.e. University or a Vocational Education and Training (VET) institution, a bridging course to gain entry into a specific university course may also be considered.
  • c) Academic background and English level
  • d) Desired living location
  • e) Available finance
  • f) Course enrolment / commencement dates

Education is an important investment and there are many options, AIES have many years experience in helping students choose a study path this is right for them.

■  What is a Vocational Education and Training (VET) institution? 
Australia's VET system comprises of government-owned TAFE and a wide variety of private training organizations. VET courses focus on delivering training that is both practical and career-oriented, you'll earn qualifications in fields such as IT, business, tourism and hospitality, to name just a few. These qualifications are recognized all over the world; and thanks to pathways, you can easily move across to university degree courses, with your VET qualification counting towards entry (i.e. certain VET Diploma courses can provide 1 year credit towards a related Bachelor Degree at University).

■  What are the different levels of education qualifications in Australia and typical entry requirements?


Typical study length

Institution type

Typical entry requirements**

Certificate II - IV

6 – 12 months


IELTS score 5.5

Diploma / Advanced Diploma

1 – 2 years

VET (some universities)

IELTS score 5.5, completed secondary education

Bachelor Degree

3 years

University (some VET institutions)

IELTS score 6.0, completed secondary education or diploma or foundation studies

Masters Degree

1 – 2 years


IELTS score 6.5, completed Bachelor degree

* VET = Vocational education & training (i.e. TAFE or private college)
** Students who do not meet the required IELTS score, may gain course entry if they enroll in an approved English language course (however min. acceptable IELTS score is 5.0)

■  What are important considerations regarding IELTS? 
IELTS is the international English lanaguage test which student need to undertake for entry into courses and also for visa applications. Typically a student is required to have completed an IELTS exam no more than 2 years prior to the start date of their course. If a student has already studied for 12 months in an Australian institution an IELTS exam may not be required. If a student does not have the particular IELTS score for their course often an English course can be completed prior to commencing study. To find your nearest IELTS testing centre visit www.ielts.org.

■  What happens if I don't meet the minimum entry requirements for a course? 
AIES are very experienced at helping students fulfill their study goals. If a student does not meet all the entry requirements for a particular course we will provide advice on relevant study options such as English, foundation or diploma courses to help you gain entry into your chosen course.

■  How much are tuition fees? 
Tuition fees vary depending on the course and institution. As a rough guide, VET courses for a 1.5 to 2 year Diploma range from $9,000 to $11,500 per year ($18,000 to $23,000 in total) and a University 3 year Bachelor Degree ranges from $15,000 to $30,000 per year ($45,000 to $90,000 in total). A University 2 year Masters Degree ranges from $15,000 to $35,000 per year ($30,000 to $70,000 in total).

■  When am I required to pay for my tuition fees? 
Once you have received your offer into a course you will usually be required to pay 6 months tuition fees to secure your place. Only after this payment has been made will the institution be able to provide a Confirmation of Enrollment (COE) and then the student visa process can begin. Learn more about the steps to studying in Australia ».

■  Are the institutions Government or Privately owned and which is the best? 
Most Australian universities are government owned and most VET institutions (except Tafe) are privately owned. Both operate to the Australian Quality Framework to ensure a high standard of education is delivered. In general, government institutions will have a greater number of students (several thousand versus several hundred in a private institution).

There is no official ranking system for institutions in Australia as such. Different universities will tend to specialise in different areas. Students should focus on the course they want to study and find out the appropriate institutions that can satisfy their needs according to their requirements.

Student visas / Financial requirements

■  What are important considerations for student visa applications?

Note: AIES will assist students with their student visa applications.

Each student coming to Australia will be required to obtain a student visa. Applications are assessed by the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). The student visa type and application information required varies depending on the level of study being undertaken in Australia and the student’s nationality. These two factors determine the DIAC visa assessment level (view visa assessment levels).

In general, visa applicants will be required to submit:

  • Visa application form
  • Confirmation of Enrollemt (COE) from the educational institution
  • IELTS results (students over the age of 18)
  • Proof of your economic situation and financial resources

In order to allow sufficient time for visa processing, eVisa applications (only applicable to China, India, Malaysia and Thailand) should be submitted at least 1 - 2 months prior to the course start date. Non eVisa applications should be submitted 3 - 4 months prior to the course start date. Once the student has supplied AIES with all the relevant information AIES will submit the application directly to DIAC (using the eVisa service where possible) and advise the student of the outcome.

Student visa renewals can be submitted anytime prior to the visa expiry date (a bridging visa is automatically provided if the visa expires while the new student visa is being processed by DIAC).

■  How much does it cost for a student visa? 
All students applying for a student visa are required to pay an Australian Government student visa application fee. Please see the latest visa pricing table for details. Students are also responsible for payment of a medical exam as required by Australian Immigration. AIES will provide details of the medical exam upon lodgement of the student visa application.

■  What are the financial requirements for an assessment Level 4 student visa? 
In order to obtain an Assessment Level 4 visa you must have enough money to pay for travel, tuition and living expenses for yourself, your spouse and your dependent children for the duration of your stay in Australia.

You must show proof that you can meet these financial requirements for the first 24 months of your stay in Australia. Funds in a money deposit must be held for at least 3 months immediately prior to the lodgement of your visa application. If you have completed 75% of your course and are applying to renew your student visa, you do not need to show your savings history.

The table below outlines the amounts in Australian dollars (AUD$) that you need access to. These amounts are the minimum required for this visa. They do not necessarily represent the cost of living in Australia.

Expenses Per Person Amount required in A$
Travel (Return) Yourself A$2000
Partner A$2000
Child A$1000
Tuition (Full course) Yourself Course fees
Children aged 5-18 A$8000 per year
Living Yourself A$18610 per year
Spouse A$6515 per year
First child A$3720 per year
Each other child A$2790 per year

As an example for a student with no dependents, if you are enrolled in a 3 year Degree course which costs $20,000 per year. You will be required to have - Tuition fees of $20,000 x 2 years ($40,000), return flight ($2,000) and 2 years living expenses $18,610 x 2 ($37,220) = total of $79,220 (less any deposit or tuition fees already paid).

Acceptable sources of income:

The money to support you and your family members must come from one or more acceptable sources, which may include:

    • A money deposit with an approved financial institution that has been held in an account for at least six consecutive months immediately before the date of your visa application by
      • You
      • Your spouse
      • Your brother or sister
      • Your parents
      • Your grandparents
      • your aunt or uncle (only if they usually live in Australia and are either a citizen/permanent resident of Australia or an eligible New Zealand citizen)
    • A loan from an approved financial institution made to (and in the name of)
      • You
      • Your spouse
      • Your brother or sister
      • Your parents
      • Your grandparents
      • Your aunt or uncle (only if they usually live in Australia and are either a citizen/permanent resident of Australia or an eligible New Zealand citizen)
    • A loan from your government
    • A multilateral agency. Examples: United Nations, World Bank or Asian Development Bank

Note: Non-cash assets such as property and shares are not acceptable sources of income. However, non-cash assets may be liquidated or used as collateral on a loan, if they are provided by an acceptable source.

Note: For details of approved financial institutions please see below.

Providing evidence of deposits or loans:

You need to show evidence of how the money to fund your studies was accumulated.

If your source of income is a money deposit held in a bank account, you must provide the following evidence:

  • Pay slips
  • Bank loan documents
  • Interest from investments

If your source of income is a loan, you must provide the following evidence:

    • A bank statement showing the amount of available credit
    • a statement from the holder of the loan that its purpose is to support your studies

Note: If your source of income is a home loan with a redraw facility from an Australian financial institution, the funds from the redraw facility may be considered a loan. A home loan with a redraw facility from a non-Australian financial institution may be acceptable, but must be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Supporting family members when studying for less than 12 months:

If you are applying to study in Australia for less than 12 months, your family members are not eligible to come with you to Australia. However, you must show that you have enough funds to support your family members in your home country, taking into consideration the standard cost of living in that country.

■  What are the financial requirements for an assessment Level 3 student visa? 

In order to obtain an Assessment Level 3 visa you must have enough money to pay for travel, tuition and living expenses for yourself, your spouse and your dependent children for the duration of your stay in Australia. You must show proof that you can meet these financial requirements for the first 18 months of your stay in Australia.

Funds in a money deposit must be held for at least 3 months immediately prior to the lodgement of your visa application. If you have completed 75% of your course and are applying to renew your student visa, you do not need to show your savings history.

The table below outlines the amounts in Australian dollars (AUD$) that you need access to. These amounts are the minimum required for this visa. They do not necessarily represent the cost of living in Australia.

Expenses Per Person Amount required in A$
Travel (Return) Yourself A$2000
Partner A$2000
Child A$1000
Tuition (Full course) Yourself Course fees
Children aged 5-18 A$8000 per year
Living Yourself A$18610 per year
Spouse A$6515 per year
First child A$3720 per year
Each other child A$2790 per year

As an example for a student with no dependents, if you are enrolled in a 3 year Degree course which costs $15,000 per year. You will be required to have - Tuition fees of $15,000 x 2 years ($30,000), return flight ($2,000) and 2 years living expenses $12,000 x 2 ($24,000) = total of $56,000 (less any deposit or tuition fees already paid).

Acceptable sources of income:

The money to support you and your family members must come from one or more acceptable sources, which may include:

    • A money deposit with an approved financial institution held by you, or a person supporting you. This money must be held in an account for three consecutive months immediately before the date of your visa application
    • A loan from an approved financial institution made to you or a person supporting you
    • A loan from your government
    • A multilateral agency. Examples: United Nations, World Bank or Asian Development Bank

Note: Non-cash assets such as property and shares are not acceptable sources of income. However, non-cash assets may be liquidated or used as collateral on a loan, if they are provided by an acceptable source.

Note: A person supporting you is anyone who is prepared to accept financial responsibility for your fees. A certified or notarised letter would be required from this person.

Note: For details of approved financial institutions please see below.

Providing evidence of deposits or loans:

You need to show evidence of how the money to fund your studies was accumulated.

If your source of income is a money deposit held in a bank account, you must provide the following evidence:

  • Pay slips
  • Bank loan documents
  • Interest from investments

If your source of income is a loan, you must provide the following evidence:

    • A bank statement showing the amount of available credit
    • A statement from the holder of the loan that its purpose is to support your studies

Note: If your source of income is a home loan with a redraw facility from an Australian financial institution, the funds from the redraw facility may be considered a loan. A home loan with a redraw facility from a non-Australian financial institution may be acceptable, but must be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Supporting family members when studying for less than 12 months:

If you are applying to study in Australia for less than 12 months, your family members are not eligible to come with you to Australia. However, you must show that you have enough funds to support your family members in your home country, taking into consideration the standard cost of living in that country.

View further details on financial requirements »

■  Which are approved financial institutions? 
Approved financial institutions are those governed by the central bank of the foreign country in which it operates, AIES will provide details at the time of visa preparation as it varies for each country. However, some details are available for the following countries -ChinaIndiaNepal.

 Living and studying in Australia 

■  Where can I study in Australia? 
Students can choose to study in any Australian city, however most of the students AIES helps study in the South Australian capital Adelaide as that it where our office is located. However, for student wishing to study in other cities we can certainly help you and offer the same course admission and visa services.

■  Can I bring my family (husband/wife, children) with me to Australia? 
Yes, if you are studying for longer than 12 months you can bring your husband/wife and children with you to Australia. You will be required to provide additional money to support them and children will need to be enrolled at school. Your husband/wife can also work for up to 20 hours a week while you are studying (or fulltime if you are studying a postgraduate university qualification). As part of your visa application you will be required to have additional funds to cover their living costs (and also tuition fees for children between 5-18) .

■  What does it cost to study and live in Australia? 


Adelaide / cost per week

Accommodation (Shared or single)

$115 - $350



Food (eating at home)



$20 - $35






$295 - $600

More info

Adelaide cost of living



■  Can overseas students work in Australia? 
Overseas students are allowed to work in Australia during their study period. Student visas granted since April 2008 automatically allow students to work up to 20 hours per week (view fact sheet). It is very common for students to find part-time work in Australia. Jobs can be found through student noticeboards, job advertisements (SeekCarrer One) and by approaching employers directly.

■  Can mobile phones from overseas be used in Australia? 
Yes, Australia's mobile phone service is similar to most other countries and uses the GSM network. It is generally cheaper to buy a local SIM card after arrival. Australia's mobile phone charges are one-way fares, so you do not need to pay to receive calls.

■  Professional Year Program - Accounting, IT and Engineering 
The Professional Year Program is designed to assist Accounting, IT and Engineering international graduates gain employment in their chosen career as well as giving eligibility for 10 migration points towards permanent residence.